The effect of sleep deprivation and disruption on DNA damage

The effect of sleep deprivation and disruption on DNA damage DNA damage and repair are dynamic processes that may be affected by various conditions and cellular events. Animal studies have shown that sleep loss can induce genetic damage in different organs. Sleep deprivation is known to induce oxidative stress, and there is increasing interest in genomic changes related to sleep deprivation. The way people’s genes work is altered when their body clock is interrupted. A study has shown that sleep deprivation does more harm to the human body, than imagined. According to it, sleep deprivation can affect our genes and lead to the destruction of our DNA. Damaged DNA amplified after only one night of sleep deprivation. According to the researchers, this damage may help illuminate the increased risk for cancer and cardiovascular, metabolic diseases as well as neurodegenerative disorders that are usually related with sleep deprivation. Although this work is very preliminary...