Sesquizygotic Twinning: What No One Is Talking About

Multiple births are progressively basic due to the advancing normal time of mothers and the related ascent in helped regenerative techniques, specifically the utilization of fertility drugs . Twins represent over 90% of numerous births. Twins are usually categorized into two that is – identical ( monozygotic ) and fraternal ( dizygotic ). Monozygotic twinning results in genetically identical individuals, whereas dizygotic twins share approximately 50% of their DNA sequence identity, as do full siblings. Sesquizygosity is a third form of rare twinning — whereby twins are genetically identical to each other with respect to one parent but differ from each other by approximately 50% with respect to the composition of DNA inherited from the other parent. It probably arises after heterogoneic assortment of two paternal genomes and one maternal genome during the first postzygotic cleavage division. Genetically, sesquizygosis can be viewed as on a continuum among monozygosis and...